Black cohosh tea: Historically, black cohosh has been extremely popular for treating menstrual problems, including irregular menstruation. This is due to its high phytoestrogen content. They will function in the body as estrogen and will help restore blood flow. Although the evidence is inconclusive, women have been successful with this remedy for centuries. Regular consumption of black cohosh tea has been known to reduce discomfort caused by premenstrual syndrome.
Dong quai tea: This traditional Chinese medicinal plant, sometimes known as “female ginseng”, is excellent for preserving female reproduction. It has long been prescribed for women experiencing irritating irregular menstruation. Tests have found that this perennial plant, which grows at high altitude, can dilate blood vessels and relax the uterus muscles. This helps stimulate menstrual flow. In addition to inducing early menstruation, this medicinal plant also has properties that help treat menopausal symptoms.
Certain herbal teas can help menstruation. Women used them to stimulate menstrual flow, regulate the cycle and more. Here’s what you need to know about them. Herbal teas can be made with fresh or dried flowers, leaves, seeds or roots. These are made by pouring hot water over the parts of the plant and letting them absorb for a few minutes. Women of all ages used herbal teas to stimulate menstrual flow, to regulate the menstrual cycle.
Some women may also induce early menstruation to prevent the cycle from coinciding with an uncomfortable event, such as a vacation. Plants that stimulate menstruation can have multiple side effects that vary from one organism to another. Consult your doctor before using any kind of herbal tea to induce menstruation. However, a lot of women swear by herbal teas when it comes to inducing their periods.
Therefore, under medical supervision, you could definitely give this tea a try. In this article, we will discuss five herbal teas that you can have to induce your menstruation.
Goldenseal Tea: The stems and roots of this plant, originating in the United States, have many medicinal purposes. Although research is not yet carefully performed, many are successfully using the effect of stimulating menstrual blood flow. It is also food for vaginal health in general, eliminating bacteria that can cause inflammation in the vagina. Americans have used this plant to regulate menstruation and prevent abortions. The root strengthens the heart and supports blood flow to the female sexual organs. In homeopathy it is used to tone the uterus and allows the general health of women.
Chasteberry (or Vitex agnus castus) has been used in the Mediterranean for centuries. This medicinal plant is known as a treatment for a range of menstrual symptoms from breast sensitivity to irritability. This large fruit can reduce high levels of prolactin, which is the main cause for irregular menses. Studies have found that prolactin levels can be balanced by chasteberry, thus restoring menstruation. While herbal teas are known for different medicinal properties, modern marketing has led to a lot of contamination of these herbs, resulting in certain side effects. Therefore, it is important to consult your doctor before trying any of these herbal medicines.
Vaginal yeast infection causes:
- antibiotics, which decrease the amount of Lactobacillus (“good bacteria”) in the vagina.
- pregnancy.
- uncontrolled diabetes.
- weak immune system.
- poor eating habits, including a lot of sugary foods.
- hormonal imbalance near your menstrual cycle.
- stress.
- lack of sleep.