Erectile dysfunction is as much of an emotional problem as it is a physical one, and while people might opt to ignore the cause, this will only prolong the problem. Since 1997, ‘the little blue pill’ or Viagra, has helped many people deal with erectile dysfunction, helping people increase their sex drive and ability to perform successfully.
The effects of Viagra can last for up to four hours. It is important to note that this does not mean that an erection is sustained by the individual for four consecutive hours. Instead it simply means that one can be achieved during that time frame if sexual stimulation is given. Those who take Viagra then have sufficient time for spontaneous sexual intercourse. Four hours is plenty of time for the individual get in the mood for sex without the need to rush.
This medication can cause a decrease in blood pressure, particularly one to two hours after taking it. If you already have low blood pressure, discuss the pros and cons of Viagra with your doctor. For most people, sexual activity is good for cardiovascular health. However, if you have cardiovascular disease, you should ask your doctor if it’s safe for you to take Viagra. You should also avoid Viagra if your doctor advised you not to have sex. You should not take Viagra if you have had a stroke, heart attack, or have unstable angina. Certain drug interactions can harm your heart. Avoid taking PDE-5 inhibitors if you also use long lasting alpha blockers or take medications that contain nitrates.
Natural treatments : Though studies are mixed, many show positive results when acupuncture is used to treat ED. A 1999 studyTrusted Source, for example, found that acupuncture improved the quality of erections and restored sexual activity in 39 percent of participants. A later study published in 2003Trusted Source reported that 21 percent of ED patients who received acupuncture had improved erections. Other studies have shown conflicting results, but this treatment has potential and may work for you. The risks of acupunctureTrusted Source are low if provided by a licensed acupuncturist. Acupuncture shows promise for treating ED, but more studies are needed. Natural treatments have 1 flaw , they are slow. So if you want to go with standard medication see extra details at XXX.
An increase in nitric oxide can cause some men to become dizzy. The dizziness caused by ED medications is generally mild. However, any dizziness can cause discomfort during everyday activities. In rare cases, dizziness from ED medications has led to fainting, which can become a serious health issue. You should tell your doctor if you experience dizziness while taking ED medications. If you faint while taking these medications, see your doctor right away.
For our dutch guests :
De meerderheid van de mannen die Viagra gebruiken, is in staat om een ??erectie te krijgen binnen 30-60 minuten na inname van de tablet, wanneer ze seksueel is gestimuleerd. Als de tablet wordt ingenomen na een grote maaltijd, kunnen de effecten iets langer duren om zich te ontwikkelen. Viagra is misschien niet het snelst werkende ED-medicijn dat beschikbaar is, maar het past nog steeds bij veel mannen.
Natuurlijke behandelingen: Genoemd kruiden Viagra, Panax ginseng (rode ginseng) heeft solide onderzoek achter de rug. Onderzoekers beoordeelden zeven studiesTrusted Source van rode ginseng en ED in 2008. Doseringen varieerden driemaal daags van 600 tot 1.000 milligram (mg). Ze concludeerden dat er ‘suggestief bewijs was voor de effectiviteit van rode ginseng bij de behandeling van erectiestoornissen’. Meer huidig ??onderzoek onderzoekt hoe rode ginseng ED beinvloedt. Ginsenosides zijn een element dat aanwezig is in het extract van Panax-ginseng en dat op celniveau actie heeft om de erectie te verbeteren.
Beginnend met opwindingssignalen van je hersenen, duurt het een fijn gechoreografeerde reeks van gebeurtenissen om een ??erectie te produceren. En het hangt allemaal af van een goede bloedtoevoer naar de penis. In de penis bevinden zich twee kamers, de corpora cavernosa. Stikstofmonoxide (NO) komt vrij in de kamers tijdens seksuele stimulatie. NO activeert een enzym dat guanylaatcyclase wordt genoemd. Dat verhoogt de niveaus van cyclisch guanosinemonofosfaat (cGMP), waardoor de spieren ontspannen.
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